Terms and Conditions


This section includes the general and legal liabilities of Meridyum(“Meridyum” or “Meridport” or “ Us” or “We”) and Meridyumweb sites (currently located at www.meridport.com, www.meridyum.com, www.meridyum.eu) and you (“the User” or “You”) (paid-free).

Meridport subscriptions are valid for one year (365 days) usage.

Carefully read the following Terms and Conditions and MeridyumPrivacy Policy (which together comprise the “Agreement” and govern the use by you (“the User” or “You”) of the Meridyumweb sites currently located at www.meridport.com, www.meridyum.com, www.meridyum.eu) before using the Meridyumweb sites. If you do not accept this Terms and Conditions please do not use Meridyumweb sites for any reason.

This Agreement is entered into between you (“the User” or “You”) as the user of the Meridyumweb sites, the owner of Meridyumweb sites (currently Meridyum.) (“Meridyum” os “Meridport” or “ Us” or “We”).

Meridport Services

This Agreement covers the following services offered by Meridport Services.

“Meridyum” is a product and database name of Meridyum. Meridyum web sites and its services, Meridyumdatabases, datas and products are collectively referred to as “Meridport Services” in this “Terms and Conditions” and MeridyumPrivacy Policy. This document explains how the agreement is made up, and sets out the terms of that agreement.

Unless otherwise made a written agreement with Meridyum, your agreement with Meridyum will always include, at a minimum, the terms and conditions set out in this document.

You understand and agree that Meridyumwill treat your use of the Meridport Services as acceptance of the terms and conditions set out in this document from that point onwards.

 “Meridport Services” is a trade / business information service managed centrally by Meridyumand includes the provision of trade / business data and information compiled, processed and organized using a method developed by Meridyum, together with other information and related services.

Most of the Meridport Services can only be accessed by registration and are not available to all users. By registering for the restricted areas of the Meridport Services, You agree to the sections of this Agreement that apply to those Meridport Services.

You acknowledge and agree that Meridyumpermanently or temporarily may stop providing the “Meridport Services” (or any features within the “Meridport Services”) to You or to Users generally at Meridyum’s sole discretion, without prior notice to you. You may stop using the “Meridport Services”  at any time. You do not need to specifically inform Meridyumwhen you stop using the “Meridport Services”.

You acknowledge and agree that if Meridyumdisables access to your username and password, you may be prevented from accessing the “Meridport Services”, or other content given by Meridyum.

Meridyumreserves the right to amend, modify or suspend the form and nature of “Meridport Services” (or any part thereof) from time to time. You acknowledge and agree that Meridyumcan limit the usage of “Meridport Services”  at any time, at Meridyum’s discretion.

Meridport Services can’t be used as part of any product or service or supplied to any third party in any way by anyone or any organization which competes with the business or products of Meridyum.

“the User” or “Your” Liabilities

The risks caused by using the Meridport Services in the Meridyum’ web sites are belonged to the users.

You agree to use the “Meridport Services” only for purposes that are permitted by the Terms and Conditions which defined in this agreement and any applicable law, regulation or generally accepted practices or guidelines in the relevant jurisdictions.

You agree that you will not reproduce, duplicate, copy, sell, trade, market, distribute, publish, transfer, resell or carry on any automated browsing or downloading the “Meridport Services”, products and database information for any purpose, other than for the internal purposes of your business.

Meridyumgrants to the User (for so long as the User has a valid subscription with Us) a personal and non-transferable username and password to access and use the Meridport Services for internal purposes only upon the Terms and Conditions of this Agreement. The User shall not assign, dispose of, sub-license, or otherwise transfer its rights granted by this Agreement and in particular the User shall not allow any person to use or have access to the Meridport Services.

The User undertakes to answer promptly all questions received through all communications sent by the Meridport Services. In order to access certain “Meridport Services”, you may be required to provide information about yourself (such as identification or contact details) as part of the registration process for the “Meridport Services”, or as part of your continued use of the “Meridport Services”. You agree that any registration information you give to Meridyumwill always be accurate, correct and up to date.

You agree that you will not engage in any activity that interferes with or disrupts the Meridport Services and the servers and networks which are connected to the Meridport Services.

Using the Meridport Services for “spamming” and/or unlawful unsolicited marketing is expressly prohibited.

You agree that you are solely responsible for (and that Meridyumhas no responsibility to you or to any third party for) any breach of your obligations under the Terms and Conditions and for the consequences (including any loss or damage which Meridyummay suffer) of any such breach.

You understand and agree that your use of the “Meridport Services” is at your sole risk and that the services are provided “as is” and “as is available”

Meridyumdoes not undertake that the software of the its site is free from all faults and whether any virus is available in the sites or not. In case the software and hardware, that you use, are damaged by any software used in Meridyumweb sites, we are not responsible for this reason.

The all risks related to the links in Meridyumweb sites are belonged to the User or You.

Meridyumweb sites have the right to use all your membership information for their commercial activities.

The User can not use the Meridport Services in illegal purposes.

Fees and Security

If the User wishes to access certain parts of the Meridport Services which are not freely available to all users, the User will be required to pay non-refundable fees to Meridyumfor access/subscription units on the basis and at the rates specified by Meridyumfrom time to time.

There is no refund and cancellation for Annual MeridyumMember Service Sales made by credit cards

The User may be offered the opportunity of paying for access to the Meridport Services by sending credit card details over the Internet. Like any other communication systems, there are risks of interception attached to sending information over the Internet. Although Meridyumhas taken all normal precautions to minimize the risk of interception, the User acknowledges that any information is sent at the User’s own risk and that Meridyum have no liability for the security of this information while it is being transmitted.

In accessing any of the Meridport Services, the User shall comply with any additional terms and conditions for that service issued from time to time by Meridyum.

The User will protect any Meridport Services available over them from access by unauthorized third parties and will follow all instructions relating to the security of the services issued by Meridyum. In accessing any chargeable services or any of the Meridport Services which require registration, the User will use any password or user identification (ID) or user name issued by Meridyum. The User accepts that she/he is responsible for the use of any such security measures and warrants that she/he will keep any such password, user identification or user name or any other security mechanism or device confidential and will not disclose it to any other person.

You agree and understand that you are responsible for keeping the confidentiality of passwords associated with any username and password you use to access the “Meridport Services”.

In this context, you agree that you will be solely responsible to Meridyumfor all activities that occur under your username and password.

 If you become aware of any unauthorized use of your password or of your username, you agree to notify Meridyumimmediately.

You understand and agree to the use of Meridport Services which you reach by your username and password in accordance with Meridyum’ Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policies (which together comprise the “Agreement”).

The User, can download and search unlimited company profiles in their appointed or respected hs codes or product groups.

Data download rights is allocated yearly and can not transferred to other years.

Ownership and Intellectual Property Rights

You acknowledge and agree that Meridyumown all legal right, title and interest in and to the “Meridport Services”, including any intellectual property rights which subsist in the “Meridport Services” (whether those rights happen to be registered or not, and wherever in the world those rights may exist). You further acknowledge that the “Meridport Services” may contain information which is designated confidential by Meridyumand that you shall not disclose such information without Meridyum’s prior written consent.

Unless the User have a written agreement with Meridyum, nothing in the Terms and Conditions gives the User a right to use any of Meridyum’ trade names, trade marks, service marks, logos, domain names, and other distinctive brand features.

The User acknowledges that he or she shall not acquire any rights in the Meridport Services or other data compiled through the User’s use of the Meridport Services. The User shall not alter or remove any copyright symbol or any other identification or information concerning the authorship or ownership of any of the Meridyum.

The User shall not modify, change, adjust or alter any part of the Meridport Services and shall not use software to access the Meridport Services without permission, or use software that will corrupt the Meridport Services in any way. All hacking methods and techniques are strictly forbidden when the User use Meridport Services.

All rights of the writings, graphics and figures included in Meridyumweb sites are belonged to Meridyum. It is definitely forbidden to copy and use the software used in design and database of these sites and pages.

All rights of the software and designs in Meridyumweb sites are belonged to Meridyum.


Some of the “Meridport Services” are supported by advertising revenue and may display advertisements and promotions. These advertisements may be targeted to the content of information stored on the “Meridport Services”, queries made through “Meridport Services” or other information.

You agree and understand that Meridyummay place such advertising on the “Meridport Services”.

The extent, content, picture and other features of advertising by Meridyumon the “Meridport Services” are subject to change without inform you specifically.

You explicitly  understand and agree that Meridyum, its subsidiaries and affiliates, shall not be liable to you for any loss or damage which may be incurred by you, including but not limited to loss or damage as a result of any reliance placed by you on the completeness, accuracy or existence of any advertising, or as a result of any relationship or transaction between you and any advertiser or sponsor whose advertising appears on the “Meridport Services” and your failure to provide Meridyumwith accurate username and password information and your failure to keep your username and password details secure and confidential.

The limitations on Trade Meridyum’s liability mentioned above shall apply whether or not Meridyum has been advised of or should have been aware of the possibility of any such losses arising.

Meridyum, are not responsible for the content of the advertisement and contact information given by the companies or organizations or persons in Meridyumweb sites. The companies’ or persons’ advertising in the Meridyum’ web sites are the solely responsible for the all information included in the advertisement.

The efforts of the users or members to change the other advertisements and the efforts threatening the general safety of the Meridyumsites; the activities blocking the operation of the software used in Meridyumsites; and blocking the Meridyumweb sites by using virus are expressly prohibited.

Changes to the Terms

Meridyummay make changes to the Terms and Conditions from time to time. When these changes are made, Meridyumwill make a new copy of the Terms and Conditions available at Meridyumweb sites. By browsing this web site you are accepting that you are bound by the current terms and conditions and so you should check these each time you revisit the site.

You understand and agree that if you use the “Meridport Services” after the date on which Terms and Conditions have changed, Meridyumwill treat your use as acceptance of the updated Terms and Conditions.

Other Conditions and Contents

The User may not use the Meridport Services and may not accept the Terms and Conditions if the User are not of legal age to form a binding contract with Meridyum.

“Meridport Services” may include hyperlinks to other web sites or content or resources. The User acknowledge and agree that Meridyumis not responsible for the availability of any such external sites or resources, and does not endorse any advertising, content, products, information, or other materials on or available from such web sites or links or resources.

The User acknowledge and agree that Meridyumis not liable for any loss or damage which may be incurred by the User as a result of the availability of those external sites or resources, or as a result of any reliance placed by the User on the completeness, accuracy or existence of any advertising, contents, products, information or other materials on, or available from, such web sites or resources.

Legal Notice and Jurisdiction

In the event of disputes to be able to arise from the use of the Meridyumweb sites and information herein, the text of Legal Warning in Turkish shall be based on, and the courts and court bailiffs of Ankara shall be the jurisdictional authority, for which the proceedings shall be executed in Ankara-Turkey.  Furthermore, third party resolution is not applied.

You agree that if Meridyumdoes not exercise or enforce any legal right or remedy which is contained in the Terms and Conditions, this will not be taken to be a formal waiver of Meridyum’s rights.  Those rights or remedies will still be available to Meridyum.

If any court of law, having the jurisdiction to decide on this matter, rules that any provision of these Terms and Conditions is invalid, then that provision will be removed from the Terms and Conditions without affecting the rest of the Terms and Conditions. The remaining provisions of the Terms and Conditions will continue to be valid and enforceable.Meridport Services can’t be used as part of any product or service or supplied to any third party in any way by anyone or any organization which competes with the business or products of Meridyum.
