ESC 42 Cabled Hard Floor Scrubber Dryer

ESC 42 Hard Floor Scrubber Dryer

ESC 42 electric floor cleaning machine; It brushes the hard floor and removes dirt by transmitting chemical water to the surface from its front part. From the back, it vacuums the dirty water on the hard floor with its high vacuum power and fills it into the dirty water tank.

All kinds of closed areas need floor cleaning with a battery-powered floor cleaning automatic machine. Floor cleaning machines can be easily used in factories, schools, shopping malls, plazas or small offices. Cleaning the dirt that accumulates on the surface during the day is very important for both your health and the stylish appearance of your business. Washing the floor with a mop is not only a waste of work and time, but also insufficient in terms of surface cleaning. It's like picking up dirt from one place and dragging it to another. As the area expands, things become more difficult and you need a floor cleaning machine. At this point, floor cleaning automats are exactly the product you need. Battery powered floor cleaning machines; It automatically distributes chemical water on the surface from the front, brushes the floor and removes dirt. From the back part, it vacuums the dirty water on the ground and fills it into the dirty water tank. Battery-powered floor cleaning automats used for hard floor cleaning are very practical in terms of use. There are floor cleaning automat options with different features according to your needs. Battery-powered narrow space floor cleaning automaton BSC 42 for small offices For larger areas, B 3501, B 4501, B 7501 models are available respectively. B 4501: Rechargeable cleaning automaton with 30 lt clean water tank capacity. zemin temizleme makinası ile zemin temizliğine ihtiyaç duyar. Zemin temizleme makinaları fabrikalar, okullar, alışveriş merkezleri, plazalar ya da küçük ofislerde rahatça kullanılabilir. Gün içinde yüzeyde oluşan kirlerin temizlenmesi hem sağlığınız hem de işletmenizin şık görünüşü açısından oldukça önemlidirYer temizleme işlemini paspas ile yapmanız, iş ve zaman kaybının yanı sıra zemin temizliği açısından da yetersizdir. Kiri bir yerden alıp diğer tarafa sürüklemeye benzer. Alan genişledikçe de işler iyice zorlaşır ve bir yer silme makinası ihtiyacı duyarsınız. İşte bu noktada  zemin temizleme makinaları tam ihtiyacınız olan üründür.

floor cleaning machines; It automatically distributes chemical water on the surface from the front, brushes the floor and removes dirt. From the back part, it vacuums the dirty water on the ground and fills it into the dirty water tank. Battery-powered floor cleaning automats used for hard floor cleaning are very practical in terms of use. There are floor cleaning automat options with different features according to your needs. Battery-powered narrow-space floor cleaning automaton BSC 42 for small offices, B 3501, B 4501, B 7501 for larger areas, respectively. models are available. For very large areas, check out rider-driven floor cleaning machines. ESC 42, daha geniş alanlar için sırasıyla E 3501E 4501E 7501 modelleri mevcuttur. Çok geniş alanlar için binicili yer temizleme makinalarını inceleyiniz.

  • ESC 42: 8 lt temiz su deposuna sahip temizlik otomatı.

Zemin Temizleme Makinası Avantajları

  • Solid body, impact resistant Practical discharge for clean and dirty water. 85% savings for manpower, chemicals and water. Models are able to scrub 1000 -3000 meter square area in hour. Possibility to use 3-4 hours in one charge.
  • Practical drain outlets for clean and dirty water tank
  • Save up to 85% on labor, chemicals and water
  • Saatte 1.000 – 3.000 m2 arası temizlik yapabilen çeşitler mevcuttur.
Model Voltage Brush Motor Power Brush Motor Speed BRUSH CYCLE Brush Diameter Vacuum Motor Power CLEAN WATER TANK (LT) Dirty Water Tank Dimension Weight Cleaning Width Suction Pressure
ESC42 230 – 50 250 1800 170 32 1200 8 9 45*60*120 42 32 1836